Queensland - Round 1

Event Report

The day got off to a fantastic start for 2022
Male Black belt divisions were in full swing as competitors and supporters entered the venue, the most experienced of martial artists demonstrating, focus, strength and power in every movement that made up their form. Always a treat for competitors and spectators alike to watch before their day begins. The finalists for this round in first place Matthew Densmore; RMAA Shotokan, second place going to Mikey Fleming; Bonsai Karate and third place Christopher Lindsay; Success Martial Arts.

This was followed up with excellent combative sparring, in the men’s open black belt point sparring Christopher Lindsay defeated Richard Marlin in an intense clash, third place going to Spencer Sullivan, all three finalists from Success Martial Arts, Lismore

Veteran’s form was another highlight of the morning with some excellent performances. In first place Shane Degney; RMAA with a strong form with applause from all attending in second place Edji Zenel; Shotokan in third place Deborah Lindsay; Success Martial Arts. Point sparring male finals saw Richard Marlin prove too strong to take out first place, second place going to Edji Zenel.

The morning began with Mr James Casey, President NAS welcoming everyone, thanking them for being patient and understanding of the NAS having to reschedule the running of this event, wishing the competitors the very best for the day whilst reminding everyone to be a good sport on and off the competition arena, all bowed in. Officials being acknowledged and thanked then allocated their rings and divisions for the day initiating the beginning of round one for 2022.

Other highlights and standouts of the day’s competition:

Traditional Weaponry 13-17yrs taking 1st place Oliver Lowry; RMAA, , Traditional Weaponry Senior, 1st place went to Rachael Taylor, 2nd place going to Irina Davydoff both from RMAA Shotokan

Junior divisions where hotly contested for which kept all referees, judges and parents on their toes throughout the bouts. Finals of the 8 to 9 yrs (10th - 6th Kyu) point sparring saw teammates from RMAA Shotokan, William Cole taking out first place, proving too strong on the day defeating Georgina Knijff in second place, and in third place Kevin Clark; KenshinKan Karate.

Finals 12 to 14yrs continuous sparring was a real nail biter with Samantha Densmore; RMAA defeating a determined Mackenzie Pitchford; Bubushi Martial Arts, third place going to Elizabeth Reimers; Bonsai Karate …well done to all the children, win or lose you are all little champions for having a go!

Female black belt-open division where among the highlights of the day, Female Black belt forms was taken out by Rachael Taylor; RMAA Shotokan winning the votes from all three judges, second place Rachel Viegas; RMAA and third place going to Amanda Reimers; Bonsai Karate. Point sparring finals saw Kahlia Smith; Bubishi Martial Arts proving too strong on the day defeating Rachael Taylor; RMAA third place going to Deborah Lindsay Success Martial Arts

The senior female divisions continued with the finals of female continuous sparring. Up and coming martial artist Rachael Taylor was out to prove a point that she has what it takes to be a champion out scoring her rival Rebecca Lindsay; Success Martial Arts taking the match, third place going to Michelle Karaman; KenshinKan Karate

Finally, to the NAS officials and staff who put on their black and whites and generously give up their day to ensure the NAS competitor has the best tournament experience possible…thank you all so very much. Mr Aussie Pape, QLD TD and all officials, table officials staff and helpers … many thanks.

Thanks also to Mrs Caroline Kennedy senior table official and a very special thanks to Kristy Hietmann and her team of first-aiders … fantastic work Kristy looking after everyone over the day’s competition!

Martial art styles/clubs wishing to get on board the NAS, contact me on 0402 695 717 for information on all remaining events. Look forward to seeing everybody at round 2 on the 22nd May on the Gold Coast; it’s going to be a big one!

On a final note…martial arts begin and ends with courtesy regardless of style, rank or creed…definition of a true champion is one who wins and losses with dignity & respect!

Yours in martial arts


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