New South Wales - Round 1
Event Info:

Event Report

What a brilliant Round 1 with over 150 competitors. It was such a great day with new clubs that have joined the circuit, two clubs coming back to the NAS and our wonderful Clubs that attend each round.

I have to say that the year has started off with excellent competition and the competitors performing at a spectacular standard. Well done coaches/instructors/mentors, they really are a credit to you all. Well done to parents and carers, without you the mazing children would not be in Martial Arts and being mentored by amazing coaches.

Round 2 is going to be an even bigger round with Clubs that couldn't make round 1 already committing to round 2.
It's exciting that we get to go down to Melbourne for the Nationals this year. Melbourne is an excellent place for Shopping and Eating. There are beautiful sights to see and the great thing is that they have a GREAT Tram system to get to and from each place. Further information about the Nationals will be in the R2 booklet.

See you all at R2.
Mrs Alexsandra Nitis
National All Styles NSW Director


The day started off with the Junior Demonstration Division from TMAC completing a synchrnoised for of Heian Shodan and then displaying an excellent and coordinated Bunkai of the Kata. Even though they were the only team in this division, their performance was exceptional.

The Mens Black Belt Open commenced after the Junior Demonstrations and boy was there some competition in the air to start of the 2019 circuit with Paul Odenall from Kinetic Martial Arts Taking home 1st. Daniel Vella from SKIA 2nd place and Paul Fawcett from Munen Muso/Chikara taking out 3rd.

The Pee Wee’s Point Sparring was full of excitement as our youngsters gave it their all best. Yarran Coyle from Kinetic coming 1st, Romeo Chandra from Tora Martial Arts Centre 2nd and Rory Friedler fro, VT1 3rd. These are mini super stars to look our for in the future.

Traditional Weaponry demonstrated some excellent form for the 13 to 17 year olds. Celeste Dias-Mariani from Tora Martial Arts achieving 1st place and Chris Vetrisano 2nd from Karate Academy. It is always nice to see the teenage group competing in such a traditional event.

The Female Advanced Continuous Sparring was heated up when the ladies to the ring. Excellent skills and combinations were demonstrated. Sian Fawett took 1st place from Munen Muso/Chikara. Second place went to Rebecca Geragthy from Ta Mo Tao Martial Arts and Third place went to Dimitra Dervenis from Zeus Martial Arts.

National all styles remain one of the biggest tournament circuits in Australia with NAS circuits in most States of Australia. The vast numbers of different martial arts organisations competing in the NAS is growing dramatically. Karate, Kung fu, Tae Kwon Do, Freestyle, Kickboxing, Silat, Hapkido and Tae Chi are just a few of the different organisations that enjoy the NAS tournament circuit. 

To view your rank/points for round 1.
I look forward to seeing you all at State on Sunday 19th of May 2019 at Genea Indoor Stadium.

Mrs Alexsandra Nitis


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our NSW NAS ARB Officials, referees, judges and table officials without whom we could not run these events, they donate their time unselfishly to our sport so our event may run smoothly. 

I wish to acknowledge and give thanks to the Chairman ARB Mr Jim Casey, Mrs Virginia Casey, Senior Officials Mr Michael Mostyn, Mr Nicholas Noordink & Mr Mikey Fleming who travel to Sydney to assist in the training and development of NSW ARB, would also like to sincerely thank all others for assisting as judges or referees on the day and are looking forward to the on-going support to the NAS circuit and the martial art community. 

Coaches, competitors & parents be a good sport!

The sport we love relies on volunteers, Officials, Table officials, Staff and helpers who give their time freely for no reward beyond our thanks. Volunteers are worth their weight in gold. They share their time and talents without any compensation, so it’s crucial to acknowledge their contribution and let them know they are valued. Thanking them can go a long way towards accomplishing this goal, so it’s worth taking the time to find just the right words to show appreciation … like THANK YOU! 

Become a NAS Official or Table Official

The NAS prides itself as among one of the most professional tournament circuits in the Southern hemisphere with over 4000 competitors competing throughout Australia each year. The NAS Australian Referees Board sets one of the highest standards of officiating & accreditation criteria within this country and abroad, adheres to strict guidelines regarding rules & regulations. The NAS code of conduct is to provide all participants with some simple rules concerning the standard of behaviour within the NAS competition. 

We invite you to become a NAS Official. Instructors, black belts & veteran competitors are welcome to join the NAS referees board and gain State, National and International recognition as a NAS Ring Official

The NAS conducts seminar/workshop prior to each event for all NAS Officials and new Instructors attending for the first time. These seminars will cover all rules, regulations and guidelines on NAS competition including code of conduct.
The State Technical Director and his team of senior referees/ lecturers will conduct these seminars going over rules and regulations relating to the NAS competition. Point Sparring, Continuous Sparring, Forms, Demonstrations/ Weaponry, ring craft, referees/ judges’ gestures and signals

The Chairman NAS/WASO & Executive committee - NAS Referees Board is responsible for overseeing all State/ National & International events, always maintaining the highest standard of officiating.
Join our team of highly qualified martial art instructors/ NAS Officials 

Incentives joining NAS ARB: 

  • The NAS sets one of the highest standards of officiating in this country.
  • Officials level of accreditation range from Level 1 through to Level 4 & National trainer
  • Your school will gain first-hand knowledge on rules & regulations of the NAS competition
  • Officials accreditation, certification and tie are free of charge
  • Family members free spectator entry into NAS competition
  • Free lunch provided for Officials/ Table officials only
  • No joining fee - for membership or accreditations into the NAS-ARB 
  • Call me regarding joining the NAS ARB and becoming a NAS Official/ Table official; Mrs Alexsandra Nitis: Mobile 0413 224 541 

NAS Officials Oath

We, the NAS Judges, will strive to always uphold the highest standard of integrity, honesty and independence in all matters connected to the NAS tournaments. Amongst other things we shall conscientiously study the NAS rules in order to fully understand and correctly interpret them in the most professional manner. At all times when officiating for the NAS, we will be independent, impartial, objective and fare; on and off the playing field.




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